Help reshape schools and learning COVID-19 REIMAGINE LEARNING CHALLENGE held 13 May – Zoom event moderated by Daniel Tuitt Organizer, OpenIDEO London Chapter. The sprint was held with Experience Haus How might we help educators, parents, and students adapt to remote learning while also using this moment to radically reimagine what we need our education […]
Tackling the Gender Inequalty gap in STEM
at London Assembly Education Panel London Assembly Education Panel meeting on tackling Gender Inequality gap in STEM took place on Monday, 24 February 2020 in The Chamber, City Hall London. Members were Jennette Arnold OBE (Chair) ; Tony Arbour; Susan Hall; David Kurten; Fiona Twycross Committee Officer: Lamide Odanye The meeting was open to public […]

CareerTech pathway to Digital Inclusion
Digital inclusion is more than just getting people online Digital Inclusion is social inclusion that ensures individuals and disadvantaged groups have access and skills to use digital tools. Hence they are therefore able to participate and benefit from today’s knowledge and information society. This involves more than just getting people online, it is about transforming […]

TLA Educators focus on Tech & Beyond
Teaching 21st Century Skills Tech Pathways London held a one day event on ‘Teaching 21st Century Skills: Tech & Beyond’ led by an experienced educator, Mark Martin @urban_teacher, which looked at how to support TLA educators who teach computing. Date: 11 July 2019 @LdnCLC The event was supported by industry insiders, from Tech London Advocates […]

Diversity is a Tech Business Strategy
Making the UK the most diverse tech sector in the world Mark Martin Founder, UKBlackTech (UKBT) presented on Making the UK the most diverse tech business sector in the World and offered insights to challenges the tech industry faces. BeyondTech 2019 conference was held 1-2 May at Code Node and sponsored by Skills Matter, and […]

Future Talent – Mind the Gap
The UK Skills Gap is growing The UK skills gapThe UK skills gap is simply not about future talent and the capacity to meet today’s demand, it has an impact on the business bottom line, so filling these roles is a real issue. In the UK, the IT industry is a £151 billion industry […]
Where’s the BAME in Tech? – Part 2
Where’s the BAME in Tech? – Part 2 This event held on Wednesday 28th November evening at TfL Palestra, Southwark, London. Organised by Dionne Condor-Farrell, Senior Developer at Transport for London (TfL). The purpose was to bring together people in the Tech industry to have an open discussion and highlight the achievements of BAME people […]

How to build and retain UK Tech talent
How to ensure the Tech talent pipeline The workshop was held to provide insights and examine how to overcome specific issues such as recruiting to company ‘culture fit’, diversity & inclusion and ensuring the ‘talent pipeline’ is maintained when scaling. Welcome Address by Raphael AniHead of Intelligent Mobility @WayraUKGreat address from Raphael who explained that […]
LBAcademy workshop held at PEI UnConference
LBAcademy has now launched on the PEI exChange LBAcademy has now launched on the PEI exChange, the first online matching platform for people passionate about African development. Sign up and connect to us here at On 20th July 2017 LBAcademy attended the PEI #ScienceAfrica UnConference – ‘Big Ideas for Africa: Celebrating the Continent’s Science […]