
2016 Polish Congress ScaleUp and Business Growth

Polish Congress summit to help foreign business executives.

Polish Business Link “PBLink” is the facilitator of the 2016 Congress of Polish entrepreneurs in London. Congress takes place annually with the inaugural event held in 2014 and 2016 Congress is the 3rd session with the current focus on business growth. It will have a stellar panel of Speakers who will expand on key principles of implementing business growth. Speakers will cover topics, based on their real-life case studies as entrepreneurs.

PBLink provides a forum for networking with diverse Entrepreneurs to get exclusive contacts, know-how and attractive discounts to help you grow your business. This is done through hosting monthly networking events in and outside the UK to help SME business grow on domestic and global markets.

London Business Academy

PBLink is also co-Founder of the London Business Academy “LonBA” to provide senior business executives opportunity to develop and grow their business. LonBA will attract members of top management from Europe and beyond. The highly practical executive programmes will make an immediate impact on SME business. LonBA is also supported by their expert associates and organisations.

East London Export Club

LonBA’s focus also includes working with UK SME Business to expand on an International platform and is working with the East London Export Club on best practice approach. An important principle is to understand that “Going Global” is not simply an extension of domestic operations but actually drawing up a value proposition to focus on the new (international) customer base, with different requirements.

Even the most experienced face challenges when they endeavor into the new market for the first time. The approach and techniques that work at home may not work overseas. A thorough market research and the right strategy are key. So are the multicultural capabilities that are becoming equally significant as other core elements of business strategy nowadays.

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